Daily Horoscope for Gemini – 24th March 2012

AstrologySource – Cosmos Compatibility Report
It’s a 6-9 page report and is our “all purpose” report. It deals with the the general compatibility between two people, whether friends or lovers. You’ll be left gasping as you suddenly discover facts about you and your companion that you probably never knew! Easy to understand english aimed at the layman.

You will be very attracted by a member of the opposite sex. You will have a most respectable life. Things will go along by themselves, without you having to bother about them.

You will be determined and energetic. You will want to go out, to travel, to see friends.

You will be energetic, full of go. Your feelings will be controlled, no passion.

You will feel good. You will feel on top form, in good humor without really knowing why. You will have a period when dreams shall be king.

Good time for love affairs: you will be in great form, and look {handsome|beautiful}. You will be enthusiastic, frank, sincere, upright. You will thirst for knowledge.

You would be able to create something original, novel, singular. You will have unexpected good fortune and lucky opportunities. You will try hard to put your ideas into operation.

A time when you will tend to be a little too credulous, trusting and naive. There will certainly be big changes in your life, which are not particularly desirable and will be sudden. You will fall in love, that violent and passionate irrational love.

You will be impulsive and bold, and – as a result of your lack of forethought – will have a few problems or accidents. You will undergo sudden changes which will force you to face up to your problems alone, without any help. You will be impulsive and imprudent: you will easily lose the run of yourself and may well become violent.

You will tend to get angry, to exchange unkind words with your circle. The most important thing for you will be the ways in which you can earn a lot of money.

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[Source: DailyScopes.com]

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