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Dating Again?

September 22, 2011 By: admin Category: Get Chicks Now

Re-entering the dating scene as a single parent can often be a difficult process. After the heartbreak of a death or divorce, it is hard to starting dating all over again. Dating with children can add to that difficulty, but shouldn’t be considered a burden.

If you don’t want to jump back into the bar and club scene, look online! Online dating services are used by thousands of people, seeking casual or long-term partners.

Never let your online date pick you up or drop you home on a first date. Don’t let them into your home until you have been on several dates, and you feel like you can trust them. Date rape can happen, even in a long-term relationship.

Your children do not need to know about your sexual experiences. Get the kids to stay overnight at the other parents, with your parents, or with a friend. This is especially true of casual sex relationships.

Don’t talk about your dates with your children. They may be hurt or upset still. However, depending on the age of the child, you may need to divulge some information.

Use your lunch hour wisely. Baby-sitters can be expensive, so why not organize a lunch hour date when the kids are at school?

If you start dating seriously with one person, you should introduce them to your kids. However, do take your time. Don’t have your partner come to every social activity, or stay every night. Your children will feel confused, and possibly annoyed with the sudden “intrusion”.

Treat every date as a learning experience. If you feel as if every date is a failure, don’t be concerned. Experience and age have just refined your tastes.

At all times, remember that you should be looking for a companion for yourself. Don’t look for a “replacement parent” – but look for a good match that has parent potential. Most importantly, have fun and enjoy re-entering the dating scene!

[Source: Random Thoughts on Dating and Relationship]

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