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The Secret Of Starting Over

December 06, 2012 By: admin Category: Get Chicks Now

Sometimes in life, you’ve accumulated so many bad habits, so many frustrations, so many fears, and so many excuses, that sometimes it’s just better to start over. Your ego always gets in the way of starting over. It creates obstacles as distractions. Your ego is amazing. It will allow you to climb that uphill battle [...]
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[Source: Seduction Chronicles Dating Tips]

Q & A: She Won’t Have Sex When The Rules Change!

July 20, 2012 By: admin Category: Get Chicks Now

Q. I’ve been in a relationship with this one girl for a while. In the beginning, things were fun and sexual. But as time has progressed, things have taken a turn for the worse. It all started right around the time I met her. Boy, I should have watched for those warning signals more closely!

Right from the start, she said she was tired of men only wanting her for sex. I feel sex is an important part of the relationship, but she doesn’t think so. We were sexual before but now she says it’s not important and she wants to wait until marriage before she has sex again. I have no intention on marrying her and this “no sex” deal is really putting a strain on this relationship and me. I can’t deal with it, Doc. It’s important to me.

But if she even THINKS I’m talking to other women, she gets angry, hostile, and extremely jealous. I could be talking to my mother and she’ll think it’s another woman and she explodes like a ticking time bomb. It could be a female friend or a family friend and she gets furious. The insecurity and jealousy also has become a problem as well as her lack of trust and she admitted openly these have always been issues with her.

Another thing is that even before we were together, she didn’t like me talking to other women, when we were just dating! She didn’t like them near me, over my house, nothing! Also, as this relationship has progressed, she has become increasingly more demanding and trying to be controlling too. She gets mad when I miss her phone calls, she gets upset when I ignore her for any length of time (even if I’m busy running errands or with work) and this whole situation is pushing me closer and closer to the door. I confront her on her bad behavior every time and she’ll simmer down for a while, then she gets started again. Her immaturity has shown it’s ugly head! Things aren’t fun anymore and it’s a constant power struggle and verbal fighting because she can’t grow up. It was a lot more fun in the beginning but that’s history. She is a good person and very pretty but I have to get out unless you see a way this can be saved.

I haven’t dated other women in awhile since I’ve been with her but that may be my only choice. I can’t deal with being in a sexless relationship, and her behavior has got out of control. What should I do? Find the door as quickly as I can or try to salvage this?

A. I fully agree with your point about NOT marrying her! Just consider this – you’re in a sexless relationship now. How would you like to be stuck the rest of your life slaving away to satisfy her every whim; financial and otherwise, while being in a sexless marriage? Well, that’s exactly where you’re headed with your current path!

Here’s the bottom line: sex IS important to any HEALTHY relationship. I don’t care what anyone says. If they (including your girlfriend) think not, they are unhealthy themselves!

OF COURSE she doesn’t want you talking to any other woman and is insanely jealous! If you ever found out the fact I just gave you, or found some other woman that WOULD enjoy sex like you do, she’d be alone. Talk about a controlling bitch! What the HELL are you doing with her anyway????

Here’s what I would do in your situation:

I would tell her, “I respected your wish to not have sex. However, that isn’t my wish, my choice or what I will devote my life to. Thus, I’m going to start dating and looking for a sexual partner IMMEDIATELY.” I’d still date her too (occasionally), but she’d have to understand that I was moving on and that my time for her would be reduced commensurate with your hunting time away from this “relationship”. Further, you absolutely MUST NOT feel compelled to discuss your actions with her beyond this. She is entitled to only the part of your life that she earns – just as you are with hers.

I’d also absolutely demand that she DOES NOT date anyone else if she wants to continue to see me! That may seem unfair at first, but consider this: you’re already making huge sacrifices in your life for her to choose her lifestyle! She owes you AT LEAST that loyalty back. If she can’t do that, and won’t have sex with you – bye-bye!!

My brother, don’t just sit by and take this abuse, (and it IS abuse!) Just because the rules change doesn’t mean that you have to continue playing the new game. You are allowed to have your own rules – and game – too!

[Source: Random Thoughts on Dating and Relationship]

Why Do Nice Guys Finish Last?

July 18, 2012 By: admin Category: Get Chicks Now

Credit: dating/dating_advice_600/608_why-do-nice-guys-finish-last-1052202-flash-1052202-flash.jpg
The niceguy is actually giving up control over his life to the women he wants to date.He’s too scared to live his own life, too scared to do what he wants to do. Womendon’t want power over a man like that. What women want is a man. They want a leader — agreat guy who will lead them. A guy who, when he dates them, takes them places and takescare of things his way, who stands up for who he is and will debate her on topics if hedoesn’t agree with her.Nice guys never stand up for themselves, becausethat’s what nice guys do — they don’t believe they can get women. They’ve got thisfear that they can’t get the woman they truly want, so they take whatever they canget. They literally beg their way into a relationship. And a woman knows that from thereon, she basically has him by the balls.

Be A Great Guy, Not A Nice Guy

If you’re nice, that’s great, but what you really want to be is a great guy. You want tobe a man who treats people well and also stands up to his own principles. You want to be aman who stands on his own two feet and isn’t afraid to stand up to a woman just becausehe’s attracted to her. You want to be a man who leads, a man who decides if he wantsto pursue the relationship or not, not a nice guy who tries to conform to her wants everywhich way and puts himself in the beggar’s role. Nice guys are beggars. Great guys arecatches.To get there, you have to truly believe it. You have to live your lifein a way that you truly want and not give it up just to make your date happy. You have toknow that you are a great, interesting person to date, that you can get the women youwant and that you can get laid when you want. Women want to be with a guy whoknows he can actually get laid by other women but chooses to be with her. Womendon’t want to be with a guy because she is his only option.Ifyou’re nice at heart, you’re nice. You treat people well. Embrace it –it’s a great quality to have. Don’t hide it by playing games and trying to bea bad boy. But what you need to do is be a great guy. Don’t be nice just to get awoman to like you. It never works.For more dating advice, checkout DavidWygant’s guide on how to seduce.
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[Source: Dating & Sex on AskMen]

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